Haemin Park

Hello 👋, I'm a self-taught frontend developer from South Korea. My passion for programming sparked when I was working at an edu-tech startup. See below for a more detailed explanation of my life and my interests in software developement. Check out my Github



Born in Seoul, South Korea.

2002 ~ 2011

Spent most of my childhood in Canada.


Graduated Daeil Foreign Language High School and admitted into Hankuk University of Foreign Studies.

2019.02 ~ 2021.06

Started working in an edu-tech startup company (Databank) - worked on the main service Testglider (previously known as Toeflbank) in the content team.

2021.08 ~ 2023.05

Mandatory military service in the South Korean Air Force as a military interpreter.

2023.05 ~

Resuming university studies and studying frontend developement.

Working 2 years at the startup company was probably one of the biggest turning points of my life. While working in the content team (the content team made all of the English content of the Testglider's service), I had the chance to communicate and have discussions with the dev team. Since then, software development has become a fascinating area of study.

While serving in the military, I spent most of my personal time writing code. I studied Javascript, React, NextJS, and algorithms & data structures. Although the military didn't provide the ideal environment to study frontend developement, I utilized my surroundings and tried to get the most out of it.

After finishing my duty, I'm continuing my studies in both university and frontend development. My main focus of study right now is studying NextJS.

Here are the technologies I'm studying:JavascriptTypescriptReactNext JSPrisma ORMFirebaseMongo DBTailwindcss

I don't have any experience working at a company with the role of a software engineer. People say that getting that first coding job is the most difficult part in their careers. I hope that there will be a company that sees my potential and hard-working mindset so I can land my first job.

Thank you for reading! Oh and since you've read until this part, why don't you also take a look at my dev blog as well? :D

I also take love taking photos with my FUJIFILM XE3 and NIKON FM2. I'm currently working on building a photo gallery where I'll upload the photos I took.